Are you an "A", "T", "H" or "X"?
How to determine your body shape and what types of fashions that will help you make the most of that body type!
Thanks to Eveology for this body shape diagnosis approach.
Thanks to Eveology for this body shape diagnosis approach.
Contents at a Glance
- The "A"
- The "T"
- The "H"
- The "X"
- Some Style book recommendations
- What about Men's Body Types?
The "A"
This is otherwise known as a pear or triangle and weight is carried in the hip area.
The hip measurement will be the largest, with narrow shoulders and defined waist. If in doubt, take the shoulder measurement and add 5%. This will give you the minimum hip measurement to be considered an A.
If you are an A
-Jackets with strong shoulders or large lapels help to balance out hips
-Boot cut pants will slenderize hips
-Dark on the bottom always diminishes
-Jackets should end above or below the widest part of hip
-Use your accessories to give some flash to your upper body
-Horizontal lines on a vest add width to shoulders
-Flare leg balances out hips
-A-line skirt will balance out hips
-Graphic details on a top keep the attention on the upper half
-Light on top, dark on the bottom is a quick and easy way to divert attention to the upper half. The eye will always go to the lighter colour.
-Add an accessory at the neck as a double whammy to keep focus on top
The photo
This is an example of applying the light on top/dark on bottom approach, and adding a colourful accessory near the neck (the scarf). These garments are part of the Optionelle (now Eveology) spring/summer 2009 fashion collection, further information on which you can find in my Eveology lens. And of course a link to the latest fashions on the main Eveology site!
The "T"
Broad and sometimes busty, this wedge shaped (or inverted triangle) woman carries their weight in their upper body
The shoulder or bust measurement will be the largest. If in doubt, take the hip measurement and add 5%. This will give you the minimum shoulder measurement to be considered a T.
If you are a T
-Create the V-neckline by unbuttoning the top two buttons of shirt - it will slim
down shoulders
-Stripes will hold your attention at the lower part of body
-Double whammy by adding longer necklace to slim upper half
-Light on the bottom, dark on top will keep attention southward
-V-necklines, turtlenecks or a deep scoop slim down broad shoulders
-Halters or straps that are closer to the neck will slim shoulders. Halter draws eye to
focus on collar bone rather than shoulders
-Head to toe colour always creates a streamline silhouette
-Choose pants that flare at the bottom to balance hips
-Bottoms that have a detail like buttons, a print or embellishment divert attention to
lower half
-Jackets that cinch in at the waist and then flare at hips create the illusion of needed
volume in the hips
-Slim skirt makes hips look wider to balance shoulders
The photo
This is an example of creating a V neckline, using stripes or other detail on the bottom to divert attention, and adding a longer necklace to slim the upper half. These garments are part of the Optionelle (now Eveology) spring/summer 2009 fashion collection, further information on which you can find in my Eveology lens. And of course a link to the latest fashions on the main Eveology site!
The "H"
Anyone who craves a waistline is considered an H. They may have been diagnosed as an I, an O or a rectangle in the past. They carry their weight in their middle.
Hip and shoulder measurements will be the same (or very close) and the waist will be very similar or larger than the hip or shoulder measurement. Take the hip or the shoulder measurement (remember that these will practically be the same) and subtract 25%. This will give you the minimum waist measurement to be considered an H.
If you are an H
-Swirly print instantly creates curves and adds softness to silhouette
-Empire cut and roomy fit hides tummy
-Flare pant leg creates curves
-Loose fit top hides sins
-Create shape with a tailored jacket - a nip and flare at waist fakes a curvy figure. Pair with a flare cut pant and voila! Instant va voom!
The photo
This is an example of an empire cut top with a print to add softness and hide the tummy, and the use of flare pants to create curves. These garments are part of the Optionelle (now Eveology) spring/summer 2009 fashion collection, further information on which you can find in my Eveology lens. And of course a link to the latest fashions on the main Eveology site!
The "X"
The curvy gal! Their shoulders and hips are balanced and they have a small defined waist. Also known as the hourglass, they are well proportioned.
Shoulder and hips should be within 5% of each other. Take the hip (or shoulder) measurement and subtract 10 (assuming that you're working in inches). This will give you the approximate waist measurement for this person to be considered an X (within a couple of inches).
If you are an X
-Fitted tee hugs in the right places. Horizontal pattern emphasizes curvy shape
-Pencil skirt shows off curves
-Large collar and shiny shoes keep the upper and lower body in check. Belt
highlights waist
-Criss-cross under bust emphasizes shape
-Accent your curves with a well fitted jacket and pant
-Balance neckline with glossy shoes
-Head to toe dressing will accent your silhouette
The photo
This is an example of a fitted tee with horizontal patterning (in this case, writing) to emphasize upper body curves, and a pencil skirt to emphasize the lower body ones. These garments are part of the Optionelle (now Eveology) spring/summer 2009 fashion collection, further information on which you can find in my Eveology lens. And of course a link to the latest fashions on the main Eveology site!
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